The same great team that brings you has the lowest cost solution to help you understand the foreclosure auctions you are interested in bidding on.
Our professional title examiners carefully search Florida Tax Appraiser data, Tax Collector data, IRS Lien Search and the Clerk of Court's Official Records for information related to the ownership and encumbrances of a property.
Literally hundreds of different types of documents are recorded on record, but not all of these documents affect a property going to foreclosure auction. This is where our years abstracting experience comes into play!
It is important to receive information that is valid and accurate for foreclosure auctions. It's also critical you receive the information quickly, completely, and securely. Our St. Lucie title search company provides this service, and we are locally based in South Florida in St. Lucie County.
All open mortgages encumbering a property from the prior and current owners, and a list of their assignments, modifications, and other related documents.
From the prior owner onward, we show all deeds in chain of title.
A 3 year history that shows both current and delinquent tax information
Diligently researched Federal, State, and County Tax Liens, Code Enforcement Liens, Municipal and Special Assessment Liens, and Home Owner Association (HOA) Liens that transfer to the next owner.
Select a report package below AFTER you have written down the addresses & CASE#'s of the properties you want a report on!
When you click a "Buy Report" button it will take you to to create your order.
Once payment is processed you will be logged into your account where you will see your pending orders.
You will get an email notice when your report is ready to login to and view & download your report.
$25 Less Than Competitors!
10% Discount when you order 10 reports!
30% Discount when you order 20 reports!
We will update any report you purchased from us for free within 30 days of delivery. We will also provide discounted updates for upto 1 year after the initial order at $35 each (our lowest bulk price) regardless of which price level you purchased it from.
If at anytime you'd like a refund of your balance of reports we will do so, however you will be billed at the current package level you fall under for the number of searches you have done. For example, if you order 10 searches and only used 6 title searches, you would be refunded the amount you paid for the package minus the cost of 6 reports at $52 each since you did not meet the 10 title search bulk pricing.